Northeast Ohio Pest Control Experts


hornet exterminator

European hornets and bald-faced hornets are among the most common hornets found in Northeast Ohio. They are related to wasps but are much larger, often more than an inch and a half long. They are identifiable by their two sets of wings and their striped bodies. The European hornet has yellow markings similar to a yellow jacket while the bald-faced hornet has white-gray stripes on a black body.

Hornet nests are large, oval-shaped paper-like structures hanging in protected areas, such as under shrubs or the eaves of a house or shed. The nest will have only one round opening near the bottom for the hornets to come and go and will be completely solid on the outside, with hexagon-shaped combs inside. Workers collect tree sap and other insects for food for the often large colony.

Bald-faced hornets can be especially aggressive, and their venom can be dangerous for those who are allergic. Nests should be addressed quickly and by a professional.

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